Lawyer, Mediator, Arbitrator and Instructor
6, Desaulniers Blvd., suite 315, Saint-Lambert, Quebec J4P 1L3
Telephone: (450) 923-3550, ext. 27 – Fax : (450) 923-8118
E-mail: dbourcheix@mediationsophilex.ca
An attorney for 37 years, Dominique F. Bourcheix has made mediation, training in mediation/conciliation, and arbitration her exclusive field of practice since 1999 when she shifted her focus away from the civil and commercial litigation. Today, she exercises her specialty primarily in the Greater Montreal area as well as throughout Quebec and, occasionally, in Ontario.
Mediation and dispute resolution
C.MED Mediator with the ADR Institute of Canada. Accredited civil and commercial mediation since 1995 with the QUebec Bar, the Quebec Superior Court and several other professional organistions. Accredited mediator since 1997 with the Quebec Government's conciliation program in family matters.
Conciliator of the Régie de l'Énergie since 2005.
Since 2009, has been Senior Mediation Adjudicator for the Life and Health Insurance Ombuds Office of Canada
Since 2008, has been Mediator for the Sport Dispute Resolution Center of Canada
Since 1995, she has conducted more than 2000 mediations in English, in French or both in the following fields:
- Construction
- Professional liability
- Insurance
- Disability insurance
- Contracts
- Disputes between shareholders and/or partners
- Engineering and product liability
- Neighbourhood
- Banking and insolvency
- Successions
- Power distribution
- Harassment matters
- First Nations
- Food industry
These files are usually highly legalized, involve several parties and substantial monetary stakes, and are scheduled for trial from several days to months.
When certain mediations require it, because of the complexity of the issues and the number of parties, she has also developed a successful method of co-mediation and has conducted several with either a lawyer or engineer.She has acted as facilitator of major negotiating tables in the food industry since 2012.
Teaching and coaching
Since 2006, she regularly gave several advanced seminars to mediators of the Centre de médiation et d'arbitrage de Paris, Aix-Mediation (France), the Commission des relations du travail du Québec and the Commission des Lésions Professionnelles du Québec, Commission de l'accès à l'information du Québec, the Life and Health Insurance Ombuds Office of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as well as many private organizations..
From 2005 to 2010, she has been responsible for the course on Civil, Commercial and Labor Mediation (which accredits mediators with the Bar and other organisms) as well as the Interest-Based Negotiation course offered as part of the Quebec Bar's continuing education program. She delivers these courses several times per year as an indenpendent dispenser since 2009.
In 2004, she lectured on Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in Engineering Administration within the framework of Sherbrooke University's Master's of Engineering Administration.
Since 1995, she has regularly taught, in French and in English, Interest Based Negotiation and Mediation on behalf of the federal Department of Justice, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Council, the Canadian Transport Agency, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, the Indemnity Fund of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and the Régie des Alcools, des Courses et des Jeux du Québec and many other organisations and many private organisations.
In 2002 and 2005, she held an advanced arbitration seminar for the Chambre des notaires du Québec and in 2000 and 2002, taught arbitration courses for CAMVAP (see below).Arbitration
From 2000 to 2010, she acted as an Arbitration Specialist for Quebec with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP), a program established throughout Canada since 1994. Her role is to select, train and supervise the arbitrators on the roster, to process and analyze complaints relative to an arbitrator and to act as consultant on the program. She has conducted several arbitrations in Ontario within the program.
She regularly acts as sole arbitrator, as president or as member of arbitration tribunals in civil and commercial matters.
1982-1999 | She has practiced litigation and pleaded many cases before Quebec's Superior Court and the Court of Appeal in the fields of:- Civil law - Professional liability - Construction - Insurance - Banking and insolvency |
Law firms
Since 1991 | Lawyer in private practice |
1984-1991 | Lawyer with the firm of Clark Woods and partners |
1982-1984 | Lawyer with the firm of Pouliot Mercure |
1979-1980 | Political attaché in the Cabinet of Claude Ryan, Leader of the Opposition at the Quebec National Assembly. |
Winter 1979 Summer 1978 |
Research assistant to Victor Nabhan, on copyright and intellectual property, Laval University. |
Summer 1976 | Apprentice mechanic. |
1980-1981 | Quebec Bar |
1976-1979 | Université Laval Bachelor in Civil Law (LL.L.) |
1973-1976 | Concordia University Bachelor of Arts, Political Science Major (B.A.) |
1972-1973 | Loyola College Degree of Collegial Studies (D.E.C.) |
1966-1972 | Villa Sainte-Marcelline High school |
In 2000, she started regularly following continuing education seminars. | |
2000 | Advanced course in family mediation, Quebec Bar. |
2000 et 2003 | Family mediation seminars Journées d'études Europe Amérique. |
1997 | Course in family mediation, Iris Quebec Inc. |
1995 | Course in civil and commercial mediation, Quebec Bar. |
1994 | Course in civil and commercial mediation, Centre d'arbitrage commercial national et international du Québec. |
1993 | Course in civil and commercial mediation, Chambre des notaires du Québec. |
She is regularly invited to give conferences on mediation at the request of various organisms. | |
2018 | La délicate question de la place du droit en médiation, Table Ronde de la Justice participative à venir en octobre prochain. |
2018 | La Médiation classique et la négociation intégrative, des outils modernes et efficaces, Fonds d’Assurance des Avocats et des Notaires (atelier 3h). |
2018 | La médiation et son application en pédiatrie sociale, Fondation du Dr Julien, (atelier 3h). |
2018 | La médiation pour les membres décideurs de la CNESST, (atelier 3h). |
2017 | La médiation et démonstration d’une médiation, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, (atelier 3h). |
2017 | La médiation et démonstration d’une médiation, Faculté de droit, Université Mc Gill, (atelier 3h). |
2017 | The caracteristics of good telephone mediations, Congrès du Sports Dispute Resolution Center of Canada. |
2016 | La médiation et démonstration d’une médiation, Faculté de droit UQAM, (atelier 3h). |
2016 | La Médiation, un outil moderne et efficace, Association du Barreau Canadien. |
2016 | La médiation en assurance invalidité, colloque de l’Institut Canadien. |
2015 | Comment utiliser la médiation pour les cas de médecins pertubateurs, Association Canadienne de Protection Médicale. |
2014 | La médiation, un outil moderne et efficace, Association du Jeune Barreau du Québec. |
2011 | Présentation du mémoire du Comité de justice participative du Barreau Pour une Loi sur la présentation d’excuses, Congrès du Barreau. |
2011 | La Négociaiton Raisonnée, Régie des marchés agricoles, Union des producteurs agricoles et Conseil de la transformation alimentaire et des produits de consommation du Québec (atelier 3h). |
2011 | La Médiation et démonstration de médiation, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal (atelier 3h). |
2010 | - Quantum et responsabilité : les méthodes alternatives de résolution des conflits, est-ce du pareil au même? Colloque de l’Institut Canadien. - La Conciliation, Colloque sur la conciliation, Régie des marchés agricoles, Union des producteurs agricoles et Conseil de la transformation alimentaire et des produites de consommation du Québec. - La Justice Participative, un créneau d’avenir pour les jeunes avocats, Association du Jeune Barreau du Québec (atelier 3h). |
2005-2007 | Mandated by the Quebec Bar to deliver conferences on mediation to the province's various Chambers of Commerce. |
2003 | Mediation, as part of a seminar given to a delegation of Serbian high magistrates organized by the International Association of Jurists. Mediation in disability insurance for the Canadian Institute. |
2002 | Demonstration of a mediation in construction law at a symposium of Justice Canada litigation lawyers. |
2001 | The Mediator's Role, Evolution and Trends at the Quebec Bar's Récents développements en médiation symposium. Mediation in disability insurance at the Canadian Institute. |
2000 | Demonstration of a mediation in construction law at the Congrès des avocats de province. Demonstration of a family mediation for the Longueuil Bar. |
1999 | Demonstration of a mediation in Design Built Construction at two Infonex conferences on design built construction. Demonstration of a mediation of a commercial leasing conflict at the Symposium on Solutions for the Future of the Young Chamber of Commerce of the South Shore of Montreal. |
1997 | Demonstration of certain aspects of mediation in harassment matters at the National Symposium on Conflict Resolution and Harassment in the Work Place, held by Justice Canada. Facilitator and guest speaker at the National Symposium on Dispute Resolution of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Pentington, B.C. |
1995 | Demonstration of a mediation in computer matters at the Chamber of Commerce of the South Shore of Montreal. |
1994 | Demonstration of a mediation in construction law at the symposium on Soft Justice and Construction of the Association of Architects in Private Practice of Quebec. Demonstration of a mediation in a leasing conflict at the Chamber of Commerce of the South Shore of Montreal. |
1993-1994 | Speaker on the new Quebec Civil Code for: - The Association of Architects in Private Practice. - ISRM, International Specialized Risk Management. - The Chamber of Commerce of the South Shore. - The Association of Anjou Industrials. - The Regional Centres of the Royal Bank of Canada. |
2019 | Recipient of the Lawyer Emeritus distinction from the Barreau du Québec |
2017 | Merit of the Longueuil Bar for her contribution to the development of mediation in Québec since 25 years. |
2013-2016 | Member of the round table for Participatory Justice Committee of the Montreal Bar. |
2005-2008 | Member of the Participatory Justice Committee of the Quebec Bar. |
2004 | Recipient of the Volunteer Emeritus award, Fondation de l'Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne. |
1999-2003 | Member of the mediation committee of the Longueuil Bar. |
1998-2003 | Member of the mediation committee of the Canadian Bar, Quebec Section. |
1995-1996 | Member of the environment committee of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. |
1994-1995 | Member of the recruiting committee of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. |
1983-1994 | Member of the Board of Directors of the École Supérieure de la Danse du Québec. |
1991-1992 | Member of the executive committee of the École Supérieure de la Danse du Québec. |
1989-1993 | Founder and member of the executive committee of the Villa Sainte-Marcelline Alumni. |
1981-1985 | Member of the Board of Directors of the Liberal Party Association, N.D.G. |
1978-1979 | Co-president of the Laval University legal aid office. Producer and anchor of a weekly legal information radio show, CKRL-MF, Québec. |
1977-1979 | Author of judicial articles in the Laval University Journal Le fil des événements, Québec. |
1974-1975 | Vice-president of the Loyola Cegep Political Science Association. |